maandag 9 juli 2018

Primula vulgaris acaulis

Het is een zeer zeldzame soort die groeit op grazige plaatsen, bijvoorbeeld in de duinen en in Drenthe. De plant bloeit al voordat de bladeren aan de bomen komen. In tegenstelling tot andere sleutelbloemen heeft het . Best grown in organically rich, consistently moist, well-drained soils in part shade.

Tolerates close to full shade. Water primula regularly, as the plant prefers soil that is consistently moist, but not soggy.

Plants do have somewhat . Heel wat Primulasoorten zijn dan ook geschikte tuinplanten en een aantal doet het bovendien uitstekend als bloeiende potplant in de huiskamer. Primula acaulis also is known as Primula vulgaris. Door aangepaste teeltmethoden en uitbreiding van het sortiment zijn de . Familie: Primulaceae (Sleutelbloemfamilie). Primrose) that are relevant to understanding its ecological characteristics and behaviour. The main topics are presented within the framework of the Biological Flora of the British Isles: distribution, habitat, communities . De nederlandse naam is Stengelloze sleutelbloem, familie van de Primulaceae.

De bloemkleur is lichtgeel en de bloeitijd is van ca.

De bladeren zijn groen en ongeveer cm. De volwassen hoogte van deze vaste plant is ca. Verdraagt een temperatuur tot -gr. This primula requires no cold for flower initiation and maintains a compact habit perfect for pot- tight production.

Danessa is ideal for early season sales and warmer temperature areas. Zoeken naar: Natuurontwikkeling. De stengeltjes lijken zo uit de. STENGELLOZE SLEUTELBLOEM (Engels: Primrose) . The name originates from Medieval times (primula veris ) meaning firstling of spring. One of the first to flower in spring, this premium Primrose mixture has been specially formulated to provide the greatest color variety, in striking and vivid color combinations and hues.

Welcome to the official channel of WWW. A heat tolerant Primrose that is extra- early flowering and suitable for early Autumn flowering. Excellent plant habit and a good range of bright core colours, ideal for after-Summer colour in the gardens and ideal for programming with Autumn Pansies. One Portion is usually sufficient for approx. Please switch to gram for larger quantities.

Hill) The Primrose as named by Hudson. The bracketed material shows that there have been some changes in the name of this plant. Matig winterhard , overleven .

This interesting and rather intricate proposition was presented to me for the first time through some . This perennial species is evergreen, but occasionally aestivates ( becomes dormant in summer during hot, dry weather) (3). It typically flowers from March to June (5), although it may flower throughout the year in sheltered hedge banks in Cornwall and copses in Sussex (4). Reproduction occurs by seeds, which are . Vermarktung Issue of Neustadter Hefte.

Contributors, Alfons Hegele, Landes-Lehr- und -Forschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Weinbau und Gartenbau (Neustadt, Weinstrasse).

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