vrijdag 21 november 2014

Cryptocoryne affinis

Al meer dan jaar wordt deze plant in aquariums gebruikt. In de regel verschillen de bladeren onder en boven het water extreem. Range and localities: Malayan peninsula (West Malaysia).

In the 50s this plant became enormous popular at aquarists under the name C. During the 50s it turned out that this plant was already described as. Onder deze naam werd de plant .

Hoewel het een moerasplant is, houdt hij het heel goed uit onder water. De plant heeft niet veel licht nodig en past zich gemakkelijke aan verschillende waterwaardes aan. De bodem moet het liefst luchtig zijn, aangevuld met ijzerhoudende . Maximale hoogte, ~ cm.

Zone, Voorgrond en Middenzone. Temperatuur, – ºC. Licht behoefte, Zwak tot Matig.

Ahoj všem prosím vas kdo zna tuto rostlinu potřeboval bych o ní zjistit uplně všechno mužou byt i obrazky mě se nic nepodařilo najit tak vas moc prosím o pomoc děkuji předem za vaše odpovědi.

Is very popular due to the beautiful color of leaves - longitudinally striped , dark green above and maroon- purple below, as well as the ability to grow in a variety of . Growth behaviour and leaf form differs significantly in plants growing in emersed and submerged states. Cryptocoryne affinis sp. The typical olive-green to brown foliage only . Peninsular Malaysian endemic. Tallest of them are more then foot. The leaves have olive green top and red bottom.

There are minimal bullation on the leaves. Looks like affinis to me but interesting thing is the smaller plants have patterns similar to schulzei found nearby. Extrêmement prolifique, elle forme souvent . I have it for more than years and it survived everything it could. I like it for its variability. Sometimes it has got dark green leaves, another time it is bullate etc… Here is my emersed form of C. LIMITED TIME ONLY - THESE ARE FROM MY PERSONAL 55G TANK THAT I REARRANGED AND THESE WERE LEFT OVER.

ONLY HAVE A FEW ONCE THEY ARE GONE I WONT HAVE ANY MORE. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

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