woensdag 21 februari 2018

Chaenomeles speciosa

Chaenomeles speciosa is a thorny deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub native to eastern Asia. It is taller than another commonly cultivated species, C. It is native to China, Tibet and Myanmar (Burma). Scarlet to red (less frequently pink or white) five-petaled flowers (to 2” diameter) . Borne on thorny, tangled branches before the glossy, dark gre.

Initially I was disappointed by the rock har sour fruits that arrived in the fourth year after sowing, but have always had an appreciation for the profuse beautiful . It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender. It is in flower from Feb to June, and the seeds ripen in October. The flowers are hermaphrodite ( have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Bees. Standplaats, licht schaduw en zon. Vocht, vochthoudend- vochtig.

Gron matig voedselrijk. Zuur, zuur tot neutraal.

Bloeimaanden, April, Mei . Common flowering-quince is a thorny shrub native to Asia and introduced in New England. It produces showy red flowers in the summer, but its real treat are its edible fruits, which can be made into jams and jellies with medicinal value as anti-imflammatories and astringents. De hoogte na jaar is m. De bloemkleur is oranjerood. Deze plant is zeer winterhard.

Dit artikel is slechts in zeer kleine aantallen. A series of chemical constituents, including . Nederlandse naaJapanse kwee. Japanese Quince is a hardy versatile shrub.

The plants flowers early in the year providing a valuable source of early food for bees. The flowers form highly aromatic edible fruits that are ready for picking from October onward. Growing well in partial shade the . Flowering quince is one of the most popular shrubs for bonsai makers. It is valued for its profuse flowering and irregular growth ideal for never-ending clipping and shaping.

In Japan it is cultivated in similar quantity to flowering cherries and magnolias. It is a deciduous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves, .

Down Terminal (leaf) node. Synonym, Cydonia speciosa. Other names, › Chaenomeles lagenaria › Chaenomeles lagenaria (Loisel.) Koidz. Derivation of specific name.

Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3. Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings. Source: Flora of Zimbabwe . Outlook Groenprojecten voor uw tuin. Categories: Shrubs and Perennials. Description: Flowering from late winter into spring, these hardy, floriferous shrubs are marvellous to cut for the vase.

Several excellent cultivars are available, including a small shrub with dark red flowers and . Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: No. Deciduous shrub, 6-ft (2-m) high, similar or greater sprea rounded outline, sometimes erect, tangled and dense twiggy mass, spiny branches. An upright growing flowering quince with many canes.

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