dinsdag 15 augustus 2017

Aster laevis

De stengels zijn bijna zwart. Deze aster is een stevige, rechtopstaande varieteit. FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Along with the goldenrods and native grasses, asters are the quintessential herbaceous fall color plants of North America.

This one is a sturdy branching perennial with smooth gray-green leaves. Aster laevis thrives in sun and adapts to most soils.

Plants produce billowing panicles of blue-violet . This fabulous aster produces a profusion of lavender-blue, star-like flowers in late autumn. The attractive flowers have yellow centers which turn reddish later in the season. The numerous blooms, at the end of the multiple branching . De nederlandse naam is Gladde aster , familie van de Asteraceae. De bloemkleur is helderblauw en de bloeitijd is van ca.

De bladeren zijn groen en ongeveer cm. De volwassen hoogte van deze vaste plant is ca.

Verdraagt een temperatuur tot -gr. Waarschijnlijk geen echte A. De eerste vorst deert deze plant niet, tegen de vorst in blijft deze standvastig mooi te zijn in de tuin! Cuba Center, this herbaceous perennial produces abundant, violet blue flowers on 3-4' tall stems as fall color begins in the surrounding forest.

Smooth aster Interesting Notes. It has attractive, slightly glossy, bluish-green foliage that is virtually pest-free. Richard Lighty of the Mt.

This tall vased-shaped wildflower has large diameter blue flowers held in cloud-like clusters at the tips of the arching branches. Symphyotrichum laeve is a flowering plant native to Canada and the United States. Its leaves are arranged alternately on the stems, and their shape varies . Pale lavender flowers set against black stems and dark leaves give this aster an elegant charm. De vruchten zijn samengedrukt, iets behaard.

De plant komt uit Noord-Amerika en is bij ons als sierplant gekweekt en bij Barchem en Venlo verwilderd gevonden. Aster = ster, om de stervormige hoofdjes. Also known as Fall Asters , these are terrific favorites for autumn colour in the perennial border.

Plants form a bushy clump, bearing loads of small daisy flowers. This is a very tall-growing selection with single.

Show All Show Tabs smooth blue aster. Native Status: CAN N LN.

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