Bladhoudend met goud-grijs blad. Probleemloos winterhard in ons klimaat. Maar nog steeds even spectaculair. Phlomis is een geslacht met meer dan honderd soorten kruidachtige planten, struiken en dwergstruiken uit de lipbloemenfamilie (Lamiaceae), die van nature voorkomen van het Middellandse Zeegebied over Midden-Azië tot in China.
Les seves tiges i branques són de secció quadrangular.
Phlomis purpurea , Purple Phlomis, Shrub, , San Marcos Growers. De hoogte na jaar is cm. De bloeiperiode is juni - juli. Deze plant is niet winterhard. Nederlandse naaBrandkruid . Phlomis plants are a source of biological active substances with potential applications in the control of phytopathogens.
Baldé A(1)(2), Neves D(3), García-Breijo FJ(4), Pais MS(1), Cravador A(5). Loads of wooly, upright branching stems create a dense form with attractive leathery aromatic grey-green lance-shaped foliage.
Requiring little more than a bit . From sunny, stony spots in Spain and Portugal comes this small and very desirable evergreen shrub. With woolly shoots and leathery, wrinkle downy, grey-green leaves, it bears in summer whorls of relatively large, purple or pink (rarely white) flowers. Common Name: Purple phlomis.
Family: Lamiaceae (The Mint Family) Geographic Origin: Mediterranean Region California Native? Plant Type: Evergreen shrub. Flowering Season: Summer. Often confused with Phlomis italica this is one of the best silver foliage evergreen shrubs in our dry garden. It is a much neater and more densely foliaged plant than other shrubby Phlomis such as P. Best cut to the ground every couple . The whorls of pure white talon-like flowers are produced from late . The following other s use this file: Usage on az.
A very attractive dwarf mound-forming shrub with mildly toothed sage-like glaucous leaves in opposite pairs Emerging from the leaf axils in summer. Nombre popular: Matagallos. Vive en matorrales y maquias poco densas de zonas calizas de las regiones . Flora Vascular de Andalucía Occidental: Matas.
Beautiful grey foliage variety with musk pink flowers in early summer.
Trim as lavenders and salvia. Découvrez parmi notre gamme : PHLOMIS purpurea (Sauge de Jérusalem). Le plus : Très belle floraison rose. The soft purple flowers are produced in whorles around the stem in flushes throughout the summer.
Uses: Good for use in sunny borders, Mediterranean and. Les Phlomis arbustifs peuvent être endommagés par des hivers rigoureux et des gelées tardives. Ne taillez pas les plantes avant la fin des gelées.
Gardez les tiges florales avec leurs graines aussi longtemps que possible, puis coupez-les début avril. Une taille annuelle favorisera un feuillage sain, un port compacte et une .
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