maandag 15 juni 2015

Pileostegia viburnoides

An evergreen climber for shade. How does one get it to look its best? Een zeldzame wintergroene, zeer bloeirijke klimmer met elegante uitstraling.

Hij is niet volledig winterhard en kan het beste op een goed beschutte plek in de volle zon tegen een zuiden muur gepoot worden, of in de winter naar binnen gehaald worden. Fully hardy and great at covering walls. Pileostegia is one of the best evergreen climbers for any aspect.

Evergreen hydrangea relative that clings like ivy. Its broa creamy cones of flowers are valuable in late summer and autumn set against the narrow leaves. Grow it On walls and tree trunks, sun or shade, in any reasonable soil. Good to know - attractive to insects. Branchlets decussate, gray to gray-brown, glabrous or sparsely stellate pubescent.

Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. It will grow in sun or shade, making it a useful plant for north- facing walls where few other climbers will flourish. Height and spread 8m x 1.

Dense, fluffy panicles of tiny, creamy-white flowers during summer. Grow in sun or shade and moist, well- drained soil. De hoogte na jaar is 2cm. De bloeiperiode is augustus - september.

Deze plant is matig winterhard. Aanbevolen aantal per vierkante meter : 1. This elegant vine has long glossy green leaves and copious amounts of fluffy cream flowers in mid to late summer. Self-clinging it attaches itself to nearly any surface.

Part shade to high overhead shade in well drained humusy soil kept moist in . Description:Though looking like a Hydrangea this is infact an evergreen climber. The handsome leathery foliage is good for year round interest and is also good as a background to the masses of tiny creamy-white flowers, which are carried in dainty clusters towards the end of. Ideal against a sheltered wall or trellis in a shady or semi-shady position, t. Uitstekend voor het vermommen van lelijk metselwerk.

Het is een aantrekkelijke altijdgroene klimmer die een 6m hoge muur volledig kan bedekken. Heeft elegante, langwerpige, leerachtige, donkergroene bladeren en kleine stervormig, romig witte .

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