woensdag 3 februari 2016

Wisteria brachybotrys shiro kapitan fuji

It produces masses of hanging sprays, up to in. Blooming more or less simultaneously in late spring or early . Witbloeiende blauwe regen. De hoogte na jaar is 5cm. Deze plant is goed winterhard.

De bloeiperiode is mei - juni.

The leaves are up to 35cm long with . Blauweregen Brachybotrys Shiro Kapitan Fuji. Blauwe regens kunt u het best op een zonnige plekje planten. Wisteria Brachybotrys Shiro Kapitan Fuji. Silky wisteria is one gorgeous flowering plant.

What makes it different compared to other wisterias are its silky leaves and fat racemes of flowers, that are creamy white with a yellowish spot in the centre. The individual flowers are about twice the size of other wisterias. They open late – in late spring or early .

Prozent Rabatt ❀Top Baumschul-Qualität ❁Günstige, europaweite Lieferung ✿Riesiges Sortiment mit über 10. Needs a sturdy support structure on which to grow. Best flowering in full sun. Needs regular pruning to control size and shape of plant.

TUINKRANTs TUIN Plantengids (tuingids) voor België en Nederland met o. Can be slow to establish. An excellent container plant. Good to know - RHS AGM as Shiro- kapitanPests . Famiglia: Leguminosae Origine: Orticola (Giappone) Modalità di arrampicamento: Fusto volubile. Dimensioni e crescità: Dimensioni contenute, fino a 6-metri di altezza. Buy climbing plants in store and online from Craigmarloch Nurseries.

Click here to find out more. This page shows the product details. Insert a quantity and click on the Add to Cart icon to add the product to the cart, details of which are shown on the right . Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants.

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