maandag 15 februari 2016

Eremurus stenophyllus

Het best groeien ze in humeuze zandgron niet te diep geplant (15cm) en. Leg op de bodem van het plantgat een laagje grof zan dit bevordert de afwatering. Spreid de wortels van de Naald van . De imposante hoogte, combineert de plant met slankheid en belemmert daardoor het doorzicht niet als je ze lekker opvallend vooraan wilt zetten.

Van oorsprong komt dit familielid uit droge gebieden van Centraal-Azië.

These dramatic blooms make long lasting cut flowers for striking bouquets. Plant them in well drained soil where they get full sun. Usually four species are available commercially for cultivation, E. Stenophyllis is a narrow-leaved variety with rosettes of strap- shaped foliage, its flower spike densely packed with zingy citrus yellow star shaped . A very hard perennial that will produce some of the most beautiful giant spikes, with elegant racemes, closely set with golden-yellow flowers.

Eremurus is hardy to USDA Zones 5-7. Soaring, slender spikes of dark yellow flowers in early and midsummer rising above strap shape bluish- green leaves. This spectacular foxtail lily is perfect for creating a bold statement in .

Fully - frost hardy perennial. This magnificent plant needs full sun, well-drained soil, preferably in a sheltered site away from strong wind. Stenophyllus is the shorter one out of all the varieties, growing to 90cm (3ft), which is absolutely ideal for the herbaceous border or as centrepieces in . EREMURUS STENOPHYLLUS SEEDS (narrow-leaved foxtail lily ) - Plant World Seeds. Dense racemes of fragrant, star-shaped golden-yellow flowers cluster on erect leafless stems.

This hardy perennial variety forms a long-lived and slowly- improving clump of narrow strap-shaped leaves and will bring trouble-free interest . De Naald van Cleopatra is niet wintergroen. Wilt u meer informatie ontvangen of tips over deze. What You Need To Know Before You Plant: When Will This Flower Bloom? Late Spring - Mid Summer. When Should I Buy and Plant These Bulbs?

De gemiddelde hoogte is 1cm. De bloemkleur is oranje. Locatie gefotografeerde plant (1e foto) : Trompenburg Tuinen en Arboretum. This yellow-flowered species is compact for a Foxtail Lily: it grows just 2-3' tall.

Deze plant is matig winterhard.

Native to drier regions of western and central Asia. All foxtail lilies have a compact root, strap-shaped leaves and hundreds of small, individual flowers. It is one of the most colorful tall flowers available.

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